Gentlegardeners: Start your seeds

It’s that time of year: watering Parkallen Gardeners: Start your seeds! puckerbut Brent has special-ordered seeds from North Carolina where the PuckerButt Pepper Company claims to have cultivated the hottest pepper ever grown in the history of the world. Of course we’re willing to swap seedlings this Spring. What are you growing?

Carolina Reapers started in eggshells. Grow little peppers! Grow!

We’re on eggshells over here waiting for them to germinate… corny Hope it’s not too corny of me to ask… but will you grow some extra of whatever you’re starting this year for the Parkallen Community Garden?  If everyone grows a tomato plant or two, we won’t have to buy any. And, if you’d like to try something exotic like eggplant or … canteloupe … the PCG has sunshine to spare.